A few essays I've written


Science and literature and neural pathways and Rumi and Emily Dickinson. 
Image: Granger Historical Picture Archive/Alamy 

The Millions

Whether I believed the Antichrist would actually posses a ruby laser ring, I definitely believed he'd have lots of tricks up his sleeve.

The pink sweater my grandmother once knit for me is a reminder of who I used to be.

Leaving religion behind wasn’t easy. Books helped. So did Brooke Shields.

The Hairpin
It was sort of like home ec meets the apocalypse and included instructions
about how to style our hair and how to not “usurp the role of the male.”

The Huffington Post
I don’t recommend necessarily giving up on your marriage and your religion
in the same year, but I recommend you learn to make spaghetti carbonara if you do.

Hello Giggles

Why I’m a Charm School Dropout

5 reasons including but not limited to Buddhism, WWII posters and red shoes.

Patheos and BuzzFeed Community

5 Things You May Not Know About Fundamentalism

Explained through not only words but also animated cat gifs because why not.

Anatomy of a Soulful Life

As a girl, I thought my soul was a bone in my body, and I thought I knew exactly what it looked like. Most medical professionals seem fairly certain I was wrong, but the metaphor feels so right. Metaphors are the best.